Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Flavio Luis Schmidt

University of Campinas, Brazil

Title: Monitoring the coffee fermentation by carbonic maceration using metagenome analysis

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ana Valeria Ulhano Braga

University of Campinas, Brazil

Title: Monitoring coffee fermentation by carbonic maceration process and its improve beverage quality

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Beatrix Szabo-Notin

Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Title: Effect of different texture modifier on rheological properties of apricot jam and strawberry jellies

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Dora Szekely

Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Title: Improvement of shelf life quality of apple using gelatin-based edible coating

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Eliska Servusova

Veterinary Research Institute, Czech republic

Title: Identification of selected tuna species in commercial products by real-time PCR

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Simona Jancikova

VFU Brno, Czech Republic

Title: The possibility of edible coating application on apple pieces: case study with color changes

Biography Abstract